
LoanCreated: Emitted when a new loan is created.

LoanUpdated: Emitted when a loan is updated, such as when it's borrowed, withdrawn, or reactivated.

ERC721 Receiver: The contract implements the IERC721Receiver interface to handle the receipt of ERC721 tokens (Uniswap V3 positions NFT). It defines the onERC721Received() function, which returns a specific bytes4 value to indicate successful receipt of an ERC721 token.

Overall, the Defi Pool Share Lending smart contract simplifies the lending and borrowing of Uniswap V3 LP positions, enabling users to earn yield from Uniswap V3 trading fees without actively managing their positions. The contract interacts with Uniswap V3 and handles the underlying complexities to provide a seamless experience for users.

Last updated