What is DeFi Pool Share?

DeFi Pool Share is a lending protocol built on the Ethereum network that allows Liquidity Providers to lend their Uniswap V3 LP NFTs to interested borrowers.

DeFi Pool Share is developing a platform where users can capitalize on their Uniswap V3 liquidity positions. The protocol offers liquidity providers the option to lend their positions, marked by NFTs, to others seeking to utilize this capital without outright ownership. This arrangement is expected to yield returns for lenders while borrowers can earn from the market movements.

Key features are:

Institutional Liquidity Access: Aimed at facilitating significant capital injections from larger, more stable entities. Yield-Case Scenarios: Categorizing available positions based on risk and potential returns powered by a partner LLM, aiding users in making more informed decisions. P2P Yield Swapping: Direct peer-to-peer lending and borrowing of these LP positions, bypassing the need for traditional intermediaries and fostering a decentralized lending environment. The platform is essentially building a marketplace that not only increases liquidity in the DeFi space but also offers new avenues for yield generation and management.

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